Additionally , many people 's personal ambition or lifelong aim can not be realized by the earthly work , and then the paint their ideal world into their painting . This is one of the origins of chinese unique painting school , which is literary-painter school .
Paul says it like this , " for we know that when this earthly tent we live in is taken down-when we die and leave these bodies-we will have a home in heaven , an eternal body made for us by god himself and not by human hands " ( 2 corinthians 5:1 nlt ) .
Tolstoy not only read schopenhauer 's philosophy , but lived it , by abandoning earthly desires and turning to asceticism .
This representation of jesus as a man with earthly passions and needs has not survived in the doctrines of the established churches , which emphasise celibacy and asceticism as a spiritual ideal .