

dysplastic 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The ultrasonographic differential diagnosis of multicystic dysplastic kidney and polycystic kidney .
- 多囊性发育不良肾与多囊肾的超声鉴别。
- Analysis of the routine and contrast enhanced ultrasonography of liver dysplastic nodules .
- 肝脏异型增生结节的常规超声及超声造影图像分析。
- Imaging monitoring of the dynamic evolution of hepatic cirrhosis nodule , regenerate nodule , dysplastic nodule and micro-hepatocellular carcinoma .
- 肝硬化再生结节、退变结节及小肝癌动态演变的影像学监测。
- Serum level of angiogenesis related cytokins in patients with myelo dysplastic syndrome .
- 骨髓增生异常综合征患者血管新生相关因子血清水平研究。
- In other words , dysplastic changes as a sign of field cancerization is really underestimated and not well-studied yet .
- 换句话说,不典型增生,作为区域性癌变标志,目前来说被严重地低估,也没有被很好的研究。
- Involvement by dysplastic glands is quite extensive .
- 异型性腺体的累及非常广泛。
- Dysplastic nevi may , however , occur on the covered areas ( e.g. , hairy scalp or groin ) .
- 增生痣,但仅可发生于复盖地区(如头皮或腹股沟毛).