
n.心脏病专家( cardiologist的名词复数 )
cardiologists 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- As a result , many cardiologists still do not recognize subtle female symptoms .
- 结果,很多心脏科医生认识不到女病人身上那种微妙的症状。
- Canadian cardiologists analysed more than 13 studies to find red wine drinkers had 32 % less atherosclerosis than non-drinkers .
- 加拿大的心脏病学家分析了13项以上的研究发现喝红酒人的比不喝红酒的人动脉粥样硬化的人要少32%。
- The study found that electrophysiologists - cardiologists with extra training in heart-rhythm disorders - were less likely than other doctors to implant defibrillators inappropriately .
- 研究发现,电生理学家-在心律失常方面受过额外训练的心脏病专家-不太可能像其他医生一样不当植入心脏除颤器。
- Of the 17 cardiologists who wrote the 2008 guidelines , 11 received financing from cardiac-device makers or worked at institutions receiving it .
- 在17位撰写2008年治疗准则的心脏病专家中,11位从心脏设备制造商处融资或者在融资的机构工作。
- Mps syndromes to have regular cardiac follow-up by cardiologists familiar with the cardiac manifestations .
- 证候有定期心脏后续心脏病熟悉的心脏表现。
- Cardiologists say salaries high , but not high enough
- 心脏科医生说,薪水高,但还不够高!
- Cardiologists have long known that eating fish helps to protect your body against heart disease , yet what they don 't know is why fish are beneficial .
- 心脏病专家很早以前便知道吃鱼有助于预防心脏病,但他们不了解鱼肉为什么对身体健康有好处.
- At this time should consult cardiologists at the same time to replace diuretics .
- 这时应咨询心脏科医生,同时更换利尿药。
- In the field of revascularization I think that for interventional cardiologists the main issue is the bio-absorbable technology .
- 在血运重建领域,我认为,对介入心脏病医生,主要问题是生物可吸收技术。
- The international team of biochemists and cardiologists say they have identified three changes in the chemical make-up of a key structural protein , called desmin , in heart muscle cells in dogs .
- 在熟物化学战心脏病学博野组败的国内大组说,他们曾经断定了三个外的化学变更,不有主要的构造蛋红,称替结,在犬心脏肌肉粗胞.