dweebs 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- The dweebs were right : 90 % of the fortune 500 use linux these days .
- 群众的眼睛是雪亮的:如今90%的《财富》(Fortune)500强企业在使用Linux。
- At the beginning of july this year , the british trade magazine campaign even accused the advertising industry of portraying men as " castrated dweebs " - clueless nincompoops who don 't know how to fill a washing machine or walk the dog , and who appeal to neither men nor women .
- 今年7月初,英国商业杂志campaign甚至指责说,广告业将男人描绘成了“阉割过的蠢货”那种不知道怎么用洗衣机或怎样溜狗的无能傻瓜,对男人和女人来说都没有吸引力。