

v.哑的( dumb的过去式和过去分词 );说不出话的;愚蠢的

dumbed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

In a recent survey conducted by informationweek , a tech-industry publication , less than a third of the 250 it professionals questioned said they were sure networking gear would be dumbed down because of sdn 's rise .
As for the question of whether style of sport has any future as a print magazine , lebenthal 's answer is a resounding yes , " and a magazine the way I want to do a magazine , not a dumbed down publication , but a chic , glossy , journal of sport . "
Some of the games are too dumbed down , and set up processes can be a bore .
If you believe that you have been dumbed down by society , don 't let it get to you .
The kinect camera , with its motion-sensing controller for the xbox 360 , can make casual games a lot of fun , but set-up can take a long time ; gesture and voice commands are rudimentary ; and some of the games are too dumbed down .