
duchies 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Take germany , by comparison : after the unification of 1871 , the new reich was ruled by a confederation that included four kingdoms and five grand duchies .
- 德意志在1871年统一之后,建立了一个由四个王国和五个大公国组成的联邦帝国。
- Likewise , if enough counties and duchies are taken over by the enemy , the kingdom will change alignment .
- 同样,如果很多郡和公爵领地被敌人攻占了,那么王国就会变换阵营。
- Isabel : we must decide what to do . For my part , I 'm tired of running . I 'll raise the duchies . The demon cultists must be exposed and destroyed .
- 伊莎贝尔:我们必须想好下一步的打算。至于我,我已经厌倦执政了。公爵的领土由我来负责。那些恶魔的信徒们必须被发现和摧毁。
- A region and former duchy of southern germany . Conquered by the romans in15b . C. , the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers .
- 巴伐利亚州德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治。
- Bavaria : a region and former duchy of southern germany . Conquered by the romans in15b . C. , the region became one of the five preeminent duchies of medieval germany but was later overrun and ruled by numerous factions and powers .
- 巴伐利亚州:德国南部的一地区,原为公爵领地。于公元前15年被罗马人占领,这个地方成了中世纪德国的五个有权势的公爵领地,但是后来被许多势力和政权占领和统治。