In 2000 , he and his colleagues found that drosophila flies go through cycles of sleeping and waking . By studying mutant flies , dr. tononi and other researchers have discovered genes that may be important in sleep disorders .
Using high-speed , digital imaging of fruit flies ( drosophila melanogaster ) faced with a looming swatter , dickinson and graduate student gwyneth card determined the secret to a fly 's crafty behaviour .
The buggy eyes of fruit flies ( drosophila melanogaster ) have about 800 facets ( called ommatidia ) , each peering out from a fixed position . What could be more different from our eyes ?
Armed with 50 + years of drosophila genetics knowledge , the researchers created a genetic element , medeamyd88-1 , which caused mother flies to produce eggs that only survived if they received a copy of the element .
Dr toda says that he is removing his name from the paper because , in the light of the iczn 's rejection , he prefers to leave drosophila " paraphyletic " rather than cause confusion in biology by renaming it .