Next time you 're shovelling all those pizza delivery leaflets and minicab cards from your doormat into the recycling bin , you might want to consider that you 're destroying untold treasure .
That weekend we used it as a tablecloth , a sleeping bag , and a doormat outside of my buddy andy 's camper .
The dogs , hearing their names , drew themselves up out of the frost-blighted bushes and pranced across the doormat , inserting the long damp tubes of their snouts into the crack of the door .
When the president invited libya 's muammar qaddafi to paris , she insisted to a newspaper that france was " not a doormat on which a leader , terrorist or not , can come to wipe the blood of his crimes from his feet " .
This is certainly not to say that you should allow yourself to be treated like a doormat by your wife , but you should keep in mind that there is not one person on this planet who is perfect .
Don 't live as a doormat , a sheep , or a victim .
Your key ? You checked the doormat ?
You are plain doormat . Why couldn 't you say " no " ?