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donee 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Article 193 where the donor is deceased or incapacitated due to the donee 's illegal act , the donor 's heir or legal agent may revoke the gift .
The personnel in charge of making donations and other directly responsible personnel of the enterprise may not demand or accept any rebate , commission , information fee , or service fee from the donee or beneficiary .
Where an enterprise has decided according to internal rules of procedure and promised to the public or the donee to make the donation , it shall perform its promise honestly .
Damages cover loss suffered by the donee acting in the reasonable belief that the donor would fulfill the obligations .
Where the gift is subject to obligations , the donee shall perform his obligations in accordance with the contract .
A donee 's right to damages is excluded if the donor 's non-performance is due to an impediment and if the donor could not reasonably be expected to have avoided or overcome the impediment or its consequences .
Article 188 in case of a donation contract being of such nature as for public welfare or moral obligation in providing disaster or poverty relief , or that the donation contract is notarized , if the donator does not deliver the donated property , the donee may request for the delivery .
The donee shall , in accordance with relevant state regulations , set up a sound financial and accounting system and the system for the use of the property donated in order to keep the donated property under strict control .
Article 190 the donation may be subject to collateral obligations . Where the donation is subject to collateral obligations , the donee shall perform the obligations in accordance with the terms of the contract .
This law is enacted for the purpose of encouraging donating , regulating the making and accepting of a donation , protecting the lawful rights and interests of the donor , donee and beneficiary and promoting the development of public welfare undertakings .