

v.救济物( dole的现在分词 );失业救济金

doling 变化形式

易混淆的单词: Doling

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National politicians rarely care enough , especially if it means doling out money to a political opponent .
In effect , this means that a un-controlled structure of global governance will override the sovereignty of nation states in collecting and doling out funds obtained under the justification of climate change .
A film director is the ultimate father figure , doling out responsibility , praise and censure .
I can 't keep doling out money to you kids .
And the terms of the contracts are still unknown ; firms cannot start doling out cash on the strength of them .
Bill sr. and a former microsoft executive managed the foundation , doling out money , overseeing a staff of hundreds and expanding its purview to areas like education and vaccines .
Beattie turns to literature over and over , doling out writing advice , making proclamations about how fiction functions , using it as the key to unlock real people .
After eight hours and 52 minutes , the mit team identified the correct coordinates for all 10 balloons , doling out some of the prize money to people in the 10 winning chains and donating the rest to charity .
She arrived in scranton as a hurricane of unpredictable behavior , squatting in andy 's office , doling out raises for which she had no authority to give , and deploying the funniest tinker bell metaphor in recent tv memory .
Macy 's ( m ) decked out its department stores with codes that brought up videos of tommy hilfiger and martha stewart doling out fashion advice .