This does us all a grave disservice because shyness and introversion - or more precisely the careful sensitive temperament from which both often spring - are not just normal . They are valuable .
To give the sequel 's readers this distorted lens through which to view climate change and its solution is to do readers a grave disservice .
Such an approach would fit the pattern of too much of his presidency , and his campaign so far ; but it would do america a disservice , and it might not help mr obama either .
So as I said , this election is , in substantive terms , about the rich versus the rest , and it would be doing voters a disservice to pretend otherwise .
To dismiss these women 's concerns as a hysterical , misinformed reaction does them a disservice .
I 'd like to suggest that our ph.d. programs often do students a disservice in two ways .
You are doing a disservice to yourself , because it is up to the venture capitalist to determine what that valuation is or should be .
But the idea that all women should resort to using their sex appeal to do well does a disservice to the women who use the traditional traits of hard work and dedication to achieve success .