

v.处理,处置( dispose的现在分词 );布置;使愿意或准备做

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Disposing of the toxic waste is one of the biggest headaches .
Indigenous tribes in many parts of the world discovered that the best way of disposing the dead was to put them up high , rather than down below .
By law , car washes must treat their wastewater before disposing of it .
Near the bed in a tray normally reserved for disposing of used instruments lay a fetus of five or six months soaking in a pool of blood ......
They should oblige people who create waste to clean up after themselves and ideally ensure that the price of any product reflects the cost of disposing of it safely .
This is because they still have a significant amount of shareholdings in their portfolios , despite disposing of much of them earlier in the decade .
You might help women 's groups set up income-generating schemes ( eg selling handicrafts ) , work with a local village on empowerment issues or help establish a system for disposing of rubbish in a village or region .
Important as the death of osama bin laden may be , disposing of al qaeda 's murderous leader wasn 't the most important goal for u. s.foreign policy .
But at the commissioner 's insistence both must pay a price , through disposing of some of their businesses , in return for their state aid .
" Such a restructuring , " he writes in a new report , " can provide an effective means for disposing of nonperforming loans and return the financial sector back to health . "