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disharmonious 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

Following the blending of two disharmonious genetics and related energy signatures , shame , pain , anger and fear became a part of the human experience .
In the new report , a disharmonious trade , global witness investigators found that 13 of the 14 firms they visited were able to obtain timber from myanmar despite the restrictions .
Those personality entities that were disharmonious could only engage with their forms when their forms were in a state of disharmony .
And sexual life is disharmonious , it is one of main reasons of female insomnia .
Abstract : although some disharmonious factor existed in our society but we have acquired great achievement on economy construction .
Our party takes constructing harmonious society into account because there are now a lot of unstable and disharmonious factors in our society , and because we are facing a severe challenge .
Often rock people will discern disharmonious problems within the group and point them out to the leadership so that action can be taken to alter the dance into harmony again .
As harmony is the determinandum of relationship , only relationship can be predicated to be harmonious or disharmonious .
Our society has changed dramatically and achieved great success with all kinds of reformation and the transformation of the society . At the same time , some new disharmonious factors grow .
The unrestricted growth of consumption desire has not merely caused the shortage of resources and deterioration of environment , but produced serious ethic problem , as well as aggravated disharmonious situation of the society .