

disassembly 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- On monday , techrepublic will publish a full photo gallery of the palm pre disassembly process , in partnership with ifixit .
- 周一,techrepublic会与ifixit合作,发布一组palmpre的完全拆解过程的照片。
- Disassembly demands a bit of finesse . Although you 're not tinkering with a fine swiss watch .
- 虽然你不需要面对一个优质的瑞士手表,拆卸是需要些技巧的。
- The design for disassembly plays an important role in green product design and is one of the key techniques which make product reused .
- 可拆卸性设计是实现绿色产品设计的一个重要方面,是产品可重用的关键技术之一。
- The lower fuel distribution pipe must be removed during disassembly .
- 拆解过程中必须将燃油分配管下部拆下。
- Watch out for falling parts during disassembly work .
- 进行拆解工作时当心零件掉下。
- The battery ground strap must be disconnected before starting disassembly work .
- 开始拆解工作前,必须断开蓄电池的接地端。
- The specified address does not exist in disassembly .
- 指定地址在反汇编中不存在。
- You can view injected code in the disassembly window .
- 可以在反汇编窗口中查看插入的代码。
- Unable to go to the disassembly of this breakpoint .
- 无法转到此断点的反汇编。
- They ran the cell through repeated cycles of assembly and disassembly over a 14-hour period , with no loss of efficiency .
- 在一个14小时的周期里他们让此细胞重复分解和合成的的循环,没有效率下降的情况。