No doable methodology to disaggregate the ee target .
A more accurate analysis , and a better strategy , would be to disaggregate the problems .
The bank of england , which has also sought to disaggregate the interbank spreads , said in february that most of the more recent pick-up appeared to be due to worries about credit risk .
If there were some way to disaggregate this noise it might be possible to deliver much the same information as cameras and motion sensors .
Investor sentiment toward large lenders has improved greatly in the last four months on the assumption that most of their housing - and consumption-related lending ( two things that are impossible to disaggregate because they are often the same thing ) has been accurately repriced .
However , in existing researches , foreign and especially domestic , there are few papers employ the disaggregate method on volatility to study these different components of volatility due to the difficulty in estimating their values , which results in the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the situation in chinese stock market .