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n.差异( differential的名词复数 );工资级差;(汽车)差动齿轮;分速器

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So , what is the mechanism that impedes the elimination of firm profit differentials through competition even over a long period ?
It has created lucrative opportunities through both legal and illegal routes for companies to exploit pricing differentials between the mainland and offshore markets .
But if educational differentials and assortative mating lie behind much of the gap between those in loudoun county and poorer americans , they do not explain the hamptons phenomenon .
Their major interest is in explaining persistent performance differentials between firms but the way they approach performance phenomena leads them into , primarily , discussion of implications for top management .
The expansion of superstores such as wal-mart and target has also played an important role in accounting for the inflation differentials between rich and poor .
Offshoring will reverse -- as wage levels converge globally , wage differentials ( as a driver of offshoring ) will also decline / reverse .
By and large , foreign-exchange movements seem to be driven by four key factors : yield differentials , relative inflation rates , trade flows and growth prospects .
Inflation differentials between the rich and poor dramatically change our view of the evolution of inequality in the us .
In fact , while easy in theory to discuss the role of each market and firm factors independently , in practice it is very difficult to separate the impact of market and firm specific effects on performance differentials .
In this respect , for an economic theory of the market or of the firm to be considered as potentially promising for its foundational service to strategy theory , it must present an explanation about the sources and mechanism of persistent firm differentials .