
n.图解,简图,图表( diagram的名词复数 )
diagrams 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- These two above diagrams are examples of the different data structures .
- 上面两种不同的图表就是两种不同数据结构的例子。
- You can also compare the automatically generated sequence diagrams to those from a previous execution of the application to identify changes in behavior that might indicate regressions .
- 你还可以比较自动生成的序列图和之前的应用执行产生的那些序列图,以此来明确行为中那些可能预示着回归的改变。
- Unless you 're a scientist , chances are there aren 't too many diagrams you still remember from 10th grade biology .
- 除非你是一个科学家,不然你可能不会记得多少十年级生物课上学过的图表。
- Can you share photos or diagrams to help me understand the procedure and the expected results ?
- 能否给我看一些照片或调查图表,让我更清晰的了解手术的过程以及最终的效果如何?
- A new system that lets people enter data into a tablet computer simply by drawing diagrams on the screen could lead to interactive whiteboards .
- 只要在屏幕上画出图表就能在平板电脑上输入信息,这个新系统可以发展成为互动性白板。
- You can simultaneously see the active state highlighted in uml state charts ( created by the developer and used earlier in generating the application ) and view the uml sequence diagrams that were automatically generated during execution .
- 你可以同时看到uml状态图(由开发者创建并在较早前用来生成应用)中的突出显示的活动状态和在执行过程中自动生成的uml序列图。
- Happy cow lists vegetarian and vegan stores and restaurants , while ask the butcher has diagrams showing different cuts of meat and how to cook them .
- 快乐牛软件列出了素食者和素食者商店和餐厅,也同时可以要求屠户图解各种不同肉类分割的方法和烹饪方式。
- Developers can drag elements from the profile and from the model library into uml diagrams . This enriches the design with api use and guides android application generation from the model .
- 开发者可以从配置和从模型库中把元素拖曳到uml图中,这种做法使用api来丰富了设计,并指导从模型中生成android应用。
- Mr. xu says he got the idea of communicating with symbols after realizing how effectively three simple diagrams on a chewing gum pack instructed consumers to dispose of the foil packaging .
- 徐冰说,当他发现口香糖包装上仅三个简单的示意图就能让消费者明白吃口香糖要扔掉外包装锡箔纸之后,就有了用符号交流的想法。
- Build professional charts and diagrams .
- 构建专业的图表和图示。