woking 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- After twenty-three minutes , woking finally managed to string some passes together - that resulted in vernazza putting over a dangerous cross , which el kholti , coming in from the left , just failed to reach .
- 23分钟后沃金队才终于开始打出一些配合,维尔纳扎有一脚有威胁的传球,艾尔科迪从左侧前插,可惜差一点没能接到。
- That could well slam the woking door in kubica 's face .
- 那样无疑会关上面向库比卡的大门。
- The un weather agency says it is woking with its partners to estabilsh an early warning system for climate extremes .
- 联合国气象中心称,它正与合作伙伴一起建立极端天气的早期预警系统。
- The setting is mr gould 's hometown of woking , but it could be any new commuter conurbation or unfashionable suburb .
- 这些区域所在的地方是古尔德先生正在崛起的家乡,但也可能是任何新兴的通勤卫星城市或者老式的郊区。
- Ron dennis announced the new mclaren production center ( mpc ) will be built in woking , england , alongside the existing mclaren technology center .
- 丹尼斯迈凯轮宣布新的生产中心(mpc)将在渥金,英格兰,除了现有的迈凯轮技术中心。
- The staff at new time is the friendliest , hard working group I have ever had the pleasure to work with . We are woking together as a team to create the best quality english education in the chaoshan area .
- 能与敬业友爱的新时代员工团队一起共事是我之荣幸,我们正携手努力共创潮汕地区最高质量的英语教育!
- After 1990 , with the decline of the international communist , usa diverted its benifit of the caribbean basin from the politics to the economy and country 's security . The funtion of cbi became the part of regional integration of usa woking for it .
- 1990年后,随著国际共产势微,美国在加勒比海盆地的利益由政治利益转向保护本国国家经济利益及安全,加勒比海盆地振兴方案之功能也转变成为美国在进行区域整合中之一部份。
- Half-time : woking 0 forest green rovers 0 .
- 上半场,沃金队0-0绿森林流浪者队。
- My wife and I are woking along the banks of the river .
- 我和我妻子沿着河堤散步。
- Many woking mothers have to look for a cleaning woman one day or more days a week to help with housework and look after the children .
- 许多职业女性都不得不找一位清洁女工在一周中的某一天甚至几天中来帮她们料理家务并照看孩子。