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v.移交( devolve的过去式和过去分词 );转移;交给下属(或下层、晚辈等);(将工作、职责、权力、责任等)交给下属(或下层等)

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Yet in devolved scotland there is little of the cultural nationalism that is so striking in wales , and which might make it hard for a party seen as english to do well .
First minister of devolved scotland since 2007 in a minority government , he has had to woo , cajole and jolly along rival parties , local governments and voters in order to exercise power .
Last night 's elections for local-authorities in england , and the devolved bodies in scotland and wales , dealt heavy but predictable losses to the liberal democrats .
Alex salmond , the pro-independence first minister of the scottish devolved government , has embraced the diamond jubilee , agreeing to a long weekend of celebrations in june coinciding with festivities south of the border .
Tony blair , former prime minister , hoped to have halted the case for independence when he devolved a significant amount of power to a parliament in edinburgh after he took power in 1997 .
On june 8th andrew lansley , the health secretary , announced that he wants to extend choice further , allowing patients to opt for one treatment over another in consultation with a medic ( in england , that is ; devolved regions are free to do things differently ) .
Two radical options are ruled out : leaving people to pay for their own care and funding it entirely through general-tax revenues ( devolved scotland 's version of the latter is already running out of cash ) .
Housing policy will be devolved to local authorities .
Justice and policing are now devolved . What difference will it make ?
Several factors explain the party 's varying fortunes in the devolved bits of mainland britain .