

v.毁损,贬低,减损( detract的现在分词 )

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If something is detracting from what you really want or making you feel dissatisfied in any way , get rid of it .
Managers also consider the associated paperwork to be onerous and expensive , detracting from the attention they can devote to making money .
But edward was persistent -- his parents had always told him that his fearfulness was his chief detracting characteristic -- and later that night he got her address .
Protestants have generally been less enthusiastic about the veneration of the virgin than their catholic and orthodox cousins , often arguing that if too much attention is focused on mary , there is a danger of detracting from the worship due to god alone .
Excessive celebration of this one event risks detracting attention from the magnitude and difficulty of the task that libyans face in building a new national order . It also risks accentuating the disappointment and disillusionment resulting from the difficulties encountered in that task .
At current rates , households will be able to reduce debt without detracting further from economic growth .
Far from detracting from the opera 's musical voice , these visual elements let performers more engagingly inhabit their roles .
Animal experimentation has led us down countless scientific dead ends , while detracting attention and funds from more applicable scientific techniques .
Identify communities where additional rotary clubs could be established without detracting from service provided to the community by existing clubs .