

v.使解毒( detoxify的过去式和过去分词 )

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Sometimes such mucous holds a form of potassium no longer required by the crystalline cell , which then causes water retention until it is detoxified , making one puffy .
That a state of unity is entered into as the biology becomes unity based , with all cells equally fed , and all cells equally detoxified throughout the entire form .
The hospital ward or clinic in which patients are detoxified .
This blood is routed to the liver where it is detoxified .
When domestic gas was detoxified in england and wales in the 1960s and early 1970s , there was a drop in the suicide rate of about a third , researchers have argued .
If the mucous from ascension builds up enough and is not detoxified rapidly enough through the waste management systems of the form , cancer can result .
The liver also breaks down unwanted chemicals , such as any alcohol consumed , which is detoxified and passed from the body as waste .
After drinking , alcohol is absorbed in the stomach and small intestine . It enters the blood and is detoxified in the liver .
From russia 's point of view , the expansion of nato to include georgia and ukraine has been halted ; warmer relations with america have detoxified relations with poland and the baltics ; and public lecturing about human rights and democracy has largely stopped .
These chemicals must be detoxified and eliminated by the body .