

v.贬值,跌价,减价( depreciate的第三人称单数 );<正>贬低,蔑视,轻视

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Some casino joints are open 24 hours a day , seven days a week which makes the accessories used by games depreciates easily .
But for the person that depreciates to those expectation , be afraid have disappointment only and returned .
Greece 's main hope for short-term export competitiveness is that the euro depreciates .
Because of his pragmatic ideas and mastership , emerson depreciates thoreau 's advanced concept . However , due to a growing ecological consciousness , people value thoreau more and more highly .
" The dollar depreciates , yen appreciates this kind of phenomenon is opposite " appeasement american economy also is harmful and not good .
A forecast which assumes that the yuan steadily depreciates against the dollar seems unrealistic .
America has a unique ability to borrow from foreigners in its own currency , and wins when the dollar depreciates , since its assets are mainly in foreign currency and its liabilities in dollars .
" When the dollar depreciates against the euro it also tends to depreciate against other currencies , so overall the u. s.home buying market has become increasingly attractive to international purchasers , " the report says .
He depreciates the valur of exercise .
Article 80 where the value of the assets transferred to the spc depreciates significantly and becomes insufficient to pay the spc 's debts or has the likelihood of damaging the interest of the holders , the supervisory institution shall convene the meeting of the asset-backed security holders pursuant to article 79 hereof .