
v.不赞成,反对( deprecate的过去式和过去分词 )
deprecated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- A method that is marked
- deprecatedcausesthecompilertoissueawarningifitisused.
- 若 将 一 个 方法 标记 为
- deprecated,则使用该方法时会收到编译器的警告。
- He himself occasionally deprecated the exaggeration to which such cures naturally led .
- 他自己偶尔废弃夸大,以这种疗法,自然带动的。
- Deprecated constants declared with limited backwards compatibility .
- 取消的恒量,由有限的向后兼容性声明。
- The previously deprecated is back with new functionality , has ' label ' and ' type'attributes , and is used to define menu lists with command elements .
- 之前不赞成使用的带着新功能回归,有“label”和“type”属性,和命令按钮元素一起用于定义菜单列表。
- Both parties deprecated war , but one of them would make war rather than let the nation survive , and the other would accept war rather than let it perish , and the war came .
- 双方都反对战争,可是有一方宁愿发动战争,而不愿让国家生存下去,另一方则宁可接受这场战争,而不愿国家灭亡,于是战争就来临了。
- For example the transient modifier is an ad hoc annotation indicating that a field should be ignored by the serialization subsystem , and the
- deprecatedjavadoctagisanadhocannotationindicatingthatthemethodshouldnolongerbeused.
- 比如 transient 修饰符 就是 一 种 特别 的 注解 , 标明 被 修饰 的 字段 在 序列化 的 子 系统 应该 被 忽略 ,
- deprecated作为javadoc的特殊标签,标明该方法不应该再用。
- One line in the app store review guidelines says any apps using " deprecated or optionally-installed technologies " , such as java , will be rejected from the store .
- appstore审核准则中有一行是这样说道的,用不被支持或选择性安装技术开发出来的应用,比如java,将不得在appstore销售。
- Even as she deprecated the american leaders , she repeatedly called for talks .
- 即使是她抨击美国领导人,她反复强调对话解决。