Seismologists may not be able to forecast earthquakes precisely but it would be deplorable if they were to resign themselves to modelling just the regular , gradual movements of tectonic plates .
The fact that this will no longer happen is " more than deplorable , " according to climate researcher hans joachim schellnhuber , who is part of the german delegation heading to copenhagen .
" To bring one country into the crosshairs in so many districts , at such a late stage of the campaign , represents something new and a calculated gamble , " he said . " I find it deplorable . I find it demeaning . "
A salem newspaper called britain " more cruel than sea-monsters towards their young ones " and a meeting in wrentham declared that britain seemed to want to reduce colonists " to nothing short of the miserable and deplorable state of conquered slaves . "
On the western side , it is sometimes deplorable .
Ambassador to the united states ali aujali called the attacks " deplorable . "
A generation ago , celebrities invited young people to share a smoke , be cool with kool or get macho with marlboro -- a deplorable misuse of celebrity clout that we look back on with regret .