
v.离开( depart的现在分词 );出发;开出;离职
departing 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Also , large banks in asia that do not have significant direct exposure to the eurozone crisis could help fill the gap left by departing , cash-strapped european banks .
- 此外,在此次欧元区危机中没有重大直接敞口的亚洲大型银行,可能会帮助填补那些离开亚洲、资金紧张的欧洲银行所留下的资金缺口。
- Mr. heins said the company is looking for replacements for the two departing senior executives .
- 海因斯说,公司正在为这两位即将离开的高管寻找替代人选。
- Meanwhile , the departing countries would have found themselves even worse off than before .
- 与此同时,离开的国家可能会发现自己比以前还要糟糕。
- A person familiar with the matter said french authorities were confident that aig would succeed in hiring competent managers to replace the two departing executives at banque aig .
- 据知情人士称,法国方面相信,aig将能成功聘请到有能力的管理者替代banqueaig这两位离职人士。
- John varley , the departing chief executive of barclays , says his priority when he took over in 2004 was to end the british bank 's dependence on its stodgy home market .
- 即将离职的巴克莱银行首席执行官约翰瓦利称,2004年他接管时首要任务便是结束这家伦敦银行对平庸国内市场的依赖。
- Houston - in an unprecedented cosmic photo shoot monday , a departing spaceship snapped close-up glamour pictures of the space shuttle endeavour attached to the international space station .
- 休斯敦周一,在一个前所未有的太空摄像中,从正在离开的宇宙飞船上,对连接到国际空间站的奋进号航天飞机进行了特写抓拍。
- Two more of the obama administration 's top economic advisers are departing , at a time when the white house is facing growing opposition to its economic policies on capitol hill .
- 在白宫的经济政策面临国会日益强大的阻力之际,奥巴马政府又有两名高级经济顾问即将离开。
- Until departing for brussels , baroness ashton of upholland was best-known for getting the lisbon treaty , the successor to the eu constitution , through the house of lords in june 2008 .
- 在离开英国去布鲁塞尔之前,阿普霍兰的阿什顿男爵夫人最著名的成就是在2008年6月,当时在她的努力下,欧洲宪法的继承者《里斯本条约》得以在议会上院获得通过。
- The most likely reason for departing a board was age , so the researchers concentrated on those " surprise " disappearances by directors under the age of 70 .
- 在离开董事会的理由中,可能性最大的因素是年龄,因此,研究者将关注焦点放在了那些不满70岁董事的“意外”离职上。
- The departing russians did , however , manage to remove most of the finding aids ( detailed descriptions of documents ) and inventories for these files , thereby greatly inhibiting access to these papers .
- 然而,即将离开的俄国人们成功的消去了大多数的查询手段(文档的详细描述)和这些文件的存储设施,这对接触这些资料造成了极大障碍。