What seeing from the practice of russia is to be changed demesne .
Russian change demesne why to fail to bring economy to succeed ?
Additionally this railroad is to belong to demesne share-holding system railroad .
Produce change of adaptability in tactics and oligopoly -- the political analysis that changes demesne to russia .
Capitalist to the west country is known again to what change demesne from nationalization .
9 See joke : regard the beast as oneself demesne the person of belongings .
Make a clear distinction expands the dividing line that turns demesne together jointly for a variety of main body , economy component with state ownership .
State ownership of socialism of make a clear distinction expands the dividing line that turns demesne together jointly for a variety of main body , economy component .
" Deepness is changed demesne " with economic performance -- think to what transition country turns gain and loss demesne .
Urgent need make a clear distinction between right and wrong , prevent state-owend enterprise reform to produce mutation , prevent to become the tide that actually state-owned company mixes clear up to be changed demesne .