

v.砍伐…山林( deforest的过去式和过去分词 )

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He opens his deforested mouth and shows me the damage .
Soy exporters officially have a moratorium on using product from newly deforested land .
Growing within coniferous and mixed forests , thickets , deforested rocks , open slopes .
Measures which are adopted by the government include the reforestation of deforested areas and the establishment and maintenance of biodiversity preserves .
Greenpeace is asking companies with links to brazil to put policies in place to ensure none of the products they sell could have come from deforested land .
Larger producers are also more capable of sticking to agreements not to use recently deforested land , such as the one that currently exists between ngos and soya producers , including mr maggi .
Dr aragao agreed , adding that switching to fire-free land management in already deforested area that lie next to forests could " drastically reduce fires and carbon emissions " .
Fruit trees such as apple and pear grew well , as did soybeans and cotton ; but by the end of the sixteenth century , much of the land was deforested , and the yellow river was an unpredictable force as its silt-laden waters meandered across the wide plains to the sea .
In addition to the moratorium on leather from newly deforested areas , the footwear makers have also demanded that suppliers bring in a stringent traceability system within a year , which will " credibly " guarantee the source of all leather .
After months of debate the lower house of brazil 's congress approved a new forestry code , which reduces the area of protected land in river valleys , exempts small farmers from having to replant deforested land and grants them an amnesty for deforestation before july 2008 .