The lack of atmosphere in space means that missiles travel predictably , but it also means that decoys such as balloons move identically .
Some people are suggesting a different way to protect against such surreptitious monitoring digital decoys .
Weren 't the decoys supposed to take care of that ?
Damn it ! Those troops are decoys !
They 're gonna be using decoys and imposteurs to evade us .
What if they 're not decoys ?
Torpedoes can still be tricked , in many cases , with decoys that emit sound waves to mimic ships .
Dr mcarthur says the technology does not depend on knowing the genome of the targeted bacteria , because dna decoys can be discovered through a screening process patented by john innes .
Baseball lore is filled with memorable examples of bamboozlement , from a : minor league catcher carving a potato to look like a baseball to infielders : serving as decoys to help win the world series .