Being able to decode both of the messages in wehner and h nggi 's imaginary particle suddenly gives you more information .
University of utah researchers placed two such microelectrode grids over speech areas of a patient 's brain and used them to decode brain signals into words .
The challenge now is to slow and control the motion of the dna through the hole so the reader can accurately decode what is in the dna .
But once those requirements are met , the program can decode anything from epic prose to randomised , ten-character passwords .
In the same way that you can 't know a particle 's momentum and location to an arbitrarily high level of accuracy , you also can 't completely decode both of these messages .
There is a set of official augmented reality technologies that will allow us to see the information that humans impose on and decode from the physical world .
Employing this new technology , we were able to decode many of the brain 's signals and discover how they related to movement .
Did bean already notice the message in the dragon , decode it , and pass along the information ?
The hippocampus is a key brain region in circuits involved in spatial navigation and memory , and thus has been the focus of research to decode these functions .
To get the most out of their tiny batteries , mobile devices really need to decode their video in hardware rather than in software , which burns up twice the amount of juice .