


debauchery 堕落
来自debauch, 堕落。
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- If not depraved by early debauchery , his life would have been fit for better things .
- 要不是早年放荡堕落,他一生也会做出比较出色的事情的。
- I 've just never seen such debauchery in my whole life .
- 我这辈子没见过这么放纵的地方。
- To ruin us , to breed death and debauchery !
- 毁灭我们带来死亡让人们道德败坏!
- Remember debauchery and the orgies of rome
- 铭记吧,这放荡荒淫之地,罗马之城!
- I want to advertise is not decadent debauchery of philosophy , but rather spontaneous way of life .
- 我要宣传的不是颓废的淫逸哲学,而是自发的人生之道。
- The most bestial debauchery , and atheism .
- 最残忍,放荡,而且渎神。
- In a peaceful assembly , forrest gump also met jennifer , and jennifer has fallen , living a life of debauchery .
- 在一次和平集会上,阿甘又遇见了珍妮,而珍妮已经堕落,过着放荡的生活。
- I love wanton and as , I like the carefree , I like the sword walking wandering the prodigal son that wanton debauchery .
- 我爱肆意而为,我喜欢无忧无虑,我喜欢仗剑走天涯那肆意放荡的浪子。
- I hate the rich , debauchery , and deceitful charlatans .
- 我憎恨那些有钱人,那些荒淫无度的,虚假的骗子.
- If state and media conspire to keep quiet about the debauchery of politicians , might it not be easier to hide other misdeeds , such as corruption ?
- 如果国家和媒体凑在一起对政客的纵情声色保持沉默,那么隐藏其他违法行为如腐败岂不是更加容易?