
db 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Private-sector companies have been abandoning their commitment to defined-benefit ( db ) pension schemes , in which employees receive an income based on their final salary .
- 私营部门公司正在放弃他们对于固定收益养老金计划(db)的承诺,在该方案中雇员根据其退休时的薪资标准获得收入。
- Non-financial companies are still rare visitors to the market , with only two significant domestic bond issues this year , from residential property developer mirvac and the property investment trust db rreef .
- 光顾该市场的非金融企业仍然很少,今年仅有的两次重要本土债券发行,发行方分别是住宅地产开发商mirvac和地产投资信托公司dbrreef。
- The locking service would track database locking ( for example by storing the necessary information in a dedicated db-table ) and give or deny permissions to the application programs requesting a db operation .
- 锁服务将跟踪数据库锁(比如通过在一个专门的数据库表保存必要的信息),提供或拒绝对应用程序请求数据库操作的许可。
- But 84 % of state and local workers still receive db plans .
- 但是在州和当地公务员中有84%的人可以享受固定福利养老金。
- In countries where db schemes remain in place , largely in the public sector , switching to pensions based on a career average rather than final salary would make sense .
- 在仍然使用固定收益体系的国家,大多数在公共领域,将养老金的发放基于最终的薪金转变为基于职业生涯平均薪金将会行得通。
- Regulators are trying to push derivatives on to exchanges , or at least to being centrally cleared , which is one of the opportunities nyse euronext and db see from the merger .
- 监管部门正努力推动衍生品到交易所交易,或至少进行集中清算,这是纽约证交所-泛欧交易所与德意志交易所从合并中看到的机会之一。
- The crisis has exposed the potential conflict between public-sector workers who still enjoy db pensions and private-sector workers who get less generous dc pensions-and at the same time have to fund the benefits being paid in the public sector through their taxes .
- 这场危机已经暴露出仍在享受收益确定型养老金的公共部门员工与领取金额较少的缴费确定型养老金的私人部门员工之间的潜在冲突,与此同时,后者还得通过纳税为公共部门支付的养老金提供资金。
- Executives said db would make full use of germany 's complex labour and strike legislation . This could include measures such as barring engine drivers who hold civil servant status from striking .
- 高管表示,联邦铁路将充分利用德国复杂的劳工和罢工立法,可能包括阻止具有公务员身份的火车司机参加罢工等措施。
- Over the past ten years global assets in db plans have grown by just 2.9 % a year , whereas those in defined-contribution plans have increased by 7.5 % , according to a towers watson study .
- 据塔沃森的一项研究,过去十年,养老金固定收益计划的全球资产每年仅增长2.9%,而养老金固定缴款计划的全球资产每年增长了7.5%。
- But dexia is small fries compared to the big european banks like germany 's deutsche bank ( db ) and france 's societe generale .
- 但相比德意志银行(DeutscheBank)和法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale),德克夏银行就不值一提了。