

TEM4考 研


daytime 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Make middle-of-the-night feedings brief and boring compared to daytime feedings .
- 使半夜的喂奶和白天的喂奶相比,显得短暂而无趣。
- Using plentiful night-time energy to iron out daytime peaks can work , too .
- 而利用夜间充裕的能源以消除日间高峰的做法也是可行的。
- Daytime talk queen is moving show to a night slot on new oprah winfrey network cable channel .
- 这位日间访谈节目女王将在奥普拉温弗莉网络电视频道推出新的晚间节目。
- Higher daytime temperatures can increase rice yields , but higher nighttime temperatures have a negative effect .
- 较高的日间温度会促进粮食的产量,但是夜间温度过高却适得其反。
- A smooth bun was an elegant daytime look for a visit with the king of spain .
- 光洁的圆发髻看上去简练优雅,很适合会见西班牙国王这样的日间活动。
- These would draw energy from the grid overnight , then be used to reduce peak daytime demand for power .
- 这些电池一夜之间便可从电网吸取能量,然后用于缓解白天的用电高峰。
- A soft , slouchy style for daytime and a clutch for evening are a great start .
- 白天选择柔软、懒散的风格,而晚上选择无带型的包包,是一个好的开始。
- At the company 's daytime holiday party , your first instinct may be to sit next to the colleagues you click with naturally .
- 在公司组织的白天假期聚会上,你的第一反应可能是坐在你最合得来的同事旁边。
- Studies have shown that sleep is lighter and shorter in the daytime , when melatonin levels decline and body temperatures rise .
- 各种研究显示,由于褪黑素水平的下降和体温的升高,白天的睡眠既浅又短。
- In the daytime he balanced his hair on his head like a basket , protected by a scarf .
- 白天的时候,陈文海把头发盘在头上,用头巾包起来,看上去像顶着个篮子。