
curdles 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- And if it curdles , toss and start again .
- 如果出现凝结现象,倒掉,重新开始。
- Result : the milk curdles or " breaks , " yielding grainy mac and cheese , ice cream , or pudding .
- 结果:牛奶产生凝结现象或“发散”,做的奶酪通心粉、冰淇淋和布丁呈颗粒状。
- The blood curdles in my veins as I think of the atrocity .
- 想到那暴行,我血管里的血就会凝结。
- The queen blood extracting a tooth curdles the piece has lost .
- 拔牙后血凝块掉了。