
v.加入十字军,从事改革运动( crusade的现在分词 )
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- The crusading movement was a western phenomenon and it should be seen in that context , although it was set off by events in the east .
- 十字军运动是一个西方现象,因而应当被置于西方的背景下加以观察,尽管它的起始是由于在东方发生的事件引起的。
- At the battle of muret on september 12 , 1213 the crusading army of simon iv de montfort defeated the aragonese and catalan forces of peter ii of aragon , at muret near toulouse .
- 1213年9月12日的米雷战役,蒙特福德的西蒙四世的十字军在图卢兹附近的米雷打败了阿拉贡王佩德罗二世的阿拉贡和加泰罗尼亚部队。
- They 're crusading against child abuse .
- 他们在为反对虐待儿童而奋斗。
- Besides crusading for a law , wiley played other indispensable roles .
- 除了做为法律的改革者,威利还有其它不可缺少的角色。
- They are constantly crusading against drunkenness .
- 他们在不断地提出禁酒。
- Sherlock chooses to be this crusading consulting detective and I choose to be his colleague .
- 夏洛克决意成为一位顾问侦探,而我决意成为他的同事。
- Is this the fearless , crusading journalist we once knew ?
- 这就是我们曾经熟知的那位无所畏惧、敢于冲锋陷阵的新闻记者吗?
- Many women are crusading for their own rights .
- 许多妇女参加了女权运动。
- It is always faintly worrying when a trade association calls allegedly crusading legislation a " pragmatic solution " .
- 当一个行业协会把一项立法改革贸然称为“务实的解决办法”时,情况通常令人担忧的无语。
- The summer of mercy , a series of anti-abortion rallies in wichita in 1991 , propelled crusading christians to office .
- 慈悲之夏运动是1991年在威奇托发生的一系列反堕胎示威活动,它将十字军基督徒的问题推到了政府面前。