
v.呱呱地叫( croak的现在分词 );用粗的声音说
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- It cracked open to reveal another rock , croaking and croaking as well .
- 它裂开来露出另一块石头,也在呱呱地叫。
- And the rocks were not rocks but rather happy frogs , being continually born through their croaking mouths .
- 而且这些石头不是石头,而是快乐的青蛙,经由它们呱呱叫的嘴不断地出生。
- He speaks in a croaking voice .
- 他说话声音低沉沙哑.
- He is forever croaking about his problems .
- 他老是为他那些问题发牢骚。
- Like the singing bird and the croaking toad .
- 就跟唱歌的鸟和鸣叫的蟾蜍一样。
- The frog prince --- croaking expedition .
- 青蛙王子---蛙蛙探险队。
- That 's what all that croaking 's about .
- 这就是为什么他们呱呱叫。
- The howling of the hyenas , and the croaking of the frogs .
- 鬣狗的狂吠和青蛙的呱呱叫声。
- There happened to be no customer in the shop but jacques three , of the restless fingers and the croaking voice .
- 店里碰巧没有顾客,只有那手指老抓挠着、声音低沉的雅克三号。
- Suddenly , he put his hand into the water and rubbed two of his fingers together , making a strange sound , exactly like the sound of a croaking frog .
- 他突然将手放进手中,摩擦着2个手指,发出奇怪的声音,就像是哇哇叫的青蛙发出的声音。