The measure does not criminalize tabacco tobacco or limit the availability of tabacco tobacco products to adults .
We know that domestic violence happens between husbands and wives , but nobody 's arguing to criminalize marriage .
Study on the legislation of some negligent dangerous acts to criminalize .
He also said the government would seek to criminalize travel abroad for terrorist training .
She said the united states supports the suggestion of the u.n. report that all countries criminalize piracy and she welcomed the report 's call for all countries to strengthen their ability to prosecute pirates .
On appeal , the defendant argued that his conviction should be overturned on grounds that congress , in passing the espionage act , never intended to criminalize the retention of classified material .
Signatories to the code have undertaken to review their national legislation to ensure they have laws in place to criminalize piracy and armed robbery against ships and adequate provisions for the exercise of jurisdiction , conduct of investigations and prosecution of alleged offenders .
Personhood-for-zygote based bills and related legislation , like georgia 's and hundreds of others , bills and laws that criminalize pregnancy and abortion and penalize women for being women , violate my human rights .
Anglo-american criminal law has refused to criminalize someone solely for his or her bad thoughts ...... this fairness concern reflects the awareness ...... that punishing bad thoughts might have perverse social consequences ...... criminal law has refused to stigmatize those who contemplate bad deeds but do not actually perform them .