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美音 ['kɔ:tjɑ:dz]    


n.庭院,院子( courtyard的名词复数 )

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He gave precise locations for the infant bodies , which were hidden under walls or buried under courtyards close to each other .
It is an unusually warm summer night in london , and the courtyards of the bars and cafes in soho are packed with people jostling to soak up the last few hours of sun .
But the vast empty car park outside the art of war city and its near-deserted courtyards suggest the town is struggling .
Still visible in the two-story courtyards of the defunct banks here are opium dens and mah-jongg tables , as well as rooms where prostitutes hired by the banks plied their trade to win over potential customers .
The first houses with their scaly tiles , the first vines flat against a wall made blue by sulphur dressings , the first clothes hung out in the courtyards , the disorder of the men 's untidy , casual dress .
The original town was built around a great house and incorporated open courtyards and circular plazas .
Lighting was massively improved by the simple idea of light wells small windowed courtyards taking sunlight to the basement , and higher-tech solutions such as fibre optics .
We were charmed by the cobbled alleyways , courtyards decorated with vines and the sparkling , warm waters of the adriatic .
We sat in the circular courtyard ( all of the courtyards here have different geometric configurations ) for a while , not talking , watching the other lunatics wandering around like wounded birds , or gurus , or royalty .
First thing you 'll notice as compared to the scarecrows back home is they 're not in the fields to scare off the birds but outside the houses and courtyards .