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- Hidden among the rocks and cliffs , away from the sprawling tourist hotels that encircle the white sands of cala tarida , are several tiny little coves , one of which can be enjoyed only by those willing to get their feet wet .
- 几处小小的海湾隐匿在悬崖峭壁之中,远离那些卡拉塔雷达洁白沙滩周围的无数旅馆,其中一处海湾只有愿意弄湿脚丫的人才能欣赏的到。
- The sea coves three quarters of the world .
- 海是世界的四分之三。
- Write down the advice of him that coves you , though you like it not at present .
- 爱你的忠言且记下,即使你目前不起它。
- Cyprus boat trips are a great way to see some of the fabulous coves and bays that would otherwise be totally inaccessible from the land .
- 塞浦路斯乘船是一个伟大的方式看到一些神话般的洞穴和海湾,否则完全无法从陆地。
- " Sucia is great because of the trails and coves , " she said as she took a.
- "sucia伟大是因为步道和小湾,她说:"由于她了。
- When you sail south you don 't exactly find the antarctic continent . Rather , it gathers round you in the shape of icebergs , islands , coves and bays .
- 当船只朝南航行时,你不会很确切地发现南极大陆,而是在四周看见冰山、岛屿、海岬和海湾。
- The inside of the structure was white and then there were coves in it that were big enough for people to sit in meditation and they were sitting cross legged .
- 建筑物里一片亮白,里面有许多洞穴供人们盘腿坐着进行冥思。
- Once inside , however , vessels ( mostly fishing boats ) find a snug anchorage among the coves lining the shore .
- 不过船只(多半为渔船)一旦进入海湾,就能在沿岸找到适于停泊的港湾。
- In addition to payment for areas of flooring skirting and dado , specials such as coves , internal and external angles and beads shall be measured separately and paid for running metres .
- 除了铺地板、壁脚板和护墙板的区域需要支付之外,一些特殊的地方比如圆弧角、内外角和护角均应当独立测量,并按米支付。
- For all that was left to see , it did not matter who came from natori or kesennuma , minamisanriku or rikuzentakata , or any number of towns , cities and coves along japan 's north-eastern coast .
- 不论是宫城县或气仙沼市,南三陆町或岩手县,抑或其它日本东北海岸的城镇,灾后景象都一样,遍地是碎砾。