
v.使抽搐,使剧烈震动( convulse的现在分词 )
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- By the way the other day I dreamt of you convulsing your entire body with a graceful hawaiian dance at the bantu men 's social centre .
- 顺便说一下,前几天我梦见你在班图男士社交中心扭动着全身跳起了优雅的夏威夷舞蹈。
- It is a reaction many other policymakers and investors would now echo - not just in relation to last month 's demise of wamu , the largest us savings and loans association , but also to the wider financial crisis that is convulsing the global economy .
- 现在,许多政策制定者和投资者也会做出这样的反应不仅是对上月美国最大储蓄贷款机构华盛顿互惠银行的终结,也是对正在撼动全球经济的广泛金融危机。
- All the emotions pulsed inside me like a convulsing poison and I literally felt sick .
- 我内心所有的情绪就像一个抽搐脉冲毒药,我真的感觉不舒服。
- And the unclean spirit , convulsing him and shouting with a loud voice , came out of him .
- 污灵叫那人抽了一阵疯,大声喊叫,便从他身上出来了。
- The 20-minute video posted on youtube shows the teenager lying on the floor , his body convulsing , as elders of a small connecticut church shout " rip it from his throat ! "
- 在youtube上这段20分钟的视频中,这名少年躺在地上,他的身体抽搐着,康涅狄格州一家小教会的长老喊着“从他的喉咙里把它扯出来!”
- Believers in the lipstick theory trace the phenomenon back to the depression , when cosmetic sales increased by 25 % , despite the convulsing economy .
- 口红理论的教徒们将这一现象追溯到大萧条时期,尽管那时经济令人战栗,化妆品销售却增长了25%。