

v.运输( convey的过去式和过去分词 );运送;输送;表达

conveyed 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

What we learn about this family-a lot-comes mainly from thoughts and supplications conveyed in voice-overs , and revelatory moments of sweet pleasure , hovering menace ( how did any of us survive the daily dangers of childhood ? )
As the ninth circuit noted in handing down its judgment , " had marilyn monroe 's film been called ' how to register a domestic partnership with a millionaire ' , it would not have conveyed the same meaning . "
More words mean that more concepts are conveyed .
The miners also conveyed urgent requests for toothpaste , fruit and beer , according to congressman giovanni calderon .
You cannot imagine the gettysburg address or the second inaugural in words other than those in which they are conveyed .
In her work with paul ekman , who pioneered the widely accepted theory that human emotion conveyed via facial expressions is biological in origin , rosenberg studied a group of people with a condition that prevents their facial muscles from moving .