So why do I smell a note of contrition in your letter , a reluctant understanding that it 's you who 's got the problem ?
Both the army and senior government figures immediately expressed their contrition about the violence in port said , unlike on previous such occasions .
He says that cruise mentioned the incident to him only " in passing , " but that he himself found the remark offensive . He confronted haggis , who apologized profusely , asking that his contrition be relayed to " anyone who might have been offended . "
His eyes wet with tears , he showed what appeared to be genuine contrition for letting down voters who nine months ago overwhelmingly backed his party in a general election , ending more than half a century of rule by the liberal democratic party ( ldp ) .
Humility , honesty and contrition are not signs of weakness , but strength .
But iranian braggadocio soon turned to queasy contrition .
Nationalist movements in japanese politics have come in waves over the past few decades , intertwined with periods of overtures for more contrition and peacemaking .