

contractionary 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Perhaps more important , contractionary policy in europe and emerging asia chipped away at global demand for american exports .
- 也许更重要的是,欧洲和新兴的亚洲市场的紧缩政策削弱了全球对美国出口的需求。
- Therefore , increasing interest rates on reserves is just as contractionary as the standard exit strategy .
- 因此,提高储备金利率和标准的退出策略一样仅仅是收缩性的政策而已。
- A trade deficit is contractionary : for any given level of domestic demand , it lowers domestic output .
- 贸易赤字是收缩性质的:对于任何给定水平的内需,它都降低国内产出。
- But central banks will also be conscious of the need to offset the effects of fiscal policy , which is likely to be contractionary .
- 但中央银行们也会意识到需要抵消财政政策带来的影响,这些政策有可能会引起经济收缩。
- But a trade deficit is contractionary : for any given level of domestic demand , it lowers domestic output .
- 但贸易逆差具有收缩性:对于任一给定的国内需求,贸易逆差将降低国内产出。
- The global economy could not withstand another contractionary shock if similar speculation drives oil rapidly towards $ 100 a barrel .
- 如果类似的投机行为推动油价迅速冲向每桶100美元,全球经济将无法承受另一次紧缩冲击。
- Yet the west 's economies have embarked on contractionary policies .
- 然而西方经济体采取了相互矛盾的政策。
- First , real appreciation leads , other things equal , to a larger current account deficit , which has a contractionary effect on demand .
- 第一种,在其他条件不变的情况下,真实货币升值会导致经常账户的大量赤字,这对于需求有负面作用。
- If that burden grows even heavier because of falling prices , the contractionary forces will strengthen .
- 如果由于价格不断下跌而导致该负担愈发加重,推动经济缩减的力量将会增强。
- Fiscal policy is turning contractionary as america 's stimulus expires and much of europe implements austerity measures .
- 美国的经济刺激计划逐渐乏力,欧洲多国开始实行紧缩措施,使得财政政策已经开始从紧。