

v.商议,商量( consult的过去式和过去分词 );请教;翻阅;求教于

consulted 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释

I have consulted many americans on how the rule of paying tips can sustain . Some saw it natural and said they had never given a thought of this .
Worried she wasn 't getting adequate nutrition to support her exercise - her parents consulted a nutritionist .
During her many travels , isabella gardner visited art galleries and consulted with art experts . She wanted to be fully educated about the art collection she was starting to build .
He discusses in the book how he sat and consulted with the buddha for many hours and came away with the recognition that we could be facing the end of our civilisation unless we can achieve a spiritual awakening and change our individual and collective behaviour .
When people say they want to be consulted , what they really mean is that they want you to do what they think .
When it came to fixing the problem , local e. p. a.officials consulted with community leaders .
To ensure that the final product resembles a regular shoe , fashion technologists are being consulted to help with ergonomics and design .
The protesters also complained they hadn 't been consulted about the plan .
When he consulted the medical records from earlier shuttle missions , he noticed that many other astronauts had reported a similar problem , but that no one had thought to look for a common cause .
Zambia 's government notified companies in advance of levy increases , consulted them on the details and did not go beyond what is sustainable .