

v.密谋( conspire的现在分词 );搞阴谋;(事件等)巧合;共同导致

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Federal courts , after all , have tried more than 400 terrorism-related cases , most recently may 1st 's conviction of a man for conspiring to set off bombs on the new york subway .
Just one received a life sentence for conspiring to murder mr dink , who was gunned down in broad daylight outside the offices of agos , an armenian weekly .
The popular president is accused of meddling with the supreme court and of conspiring to oust the attorney-general .
According to iranian media reports , the charges include rioting , attacking military and government buildings and conspiring against the ruling system .
Rodong sinmun , the north 's official newspaper , accused the us of conspiring with seoul and tokyo to spark war .
U.s. charges 3 swiss bankers the bankers were charged with conspiring with wealthy american taxpayers to hide more than $ 1.2 billion in assets from tax authorities .
La paz , bolivia - president evo morales on monday ordered a u.s. diplomat to leave the country , alleging he was conspiring with opposition groups .
Mr martelly refused to comply with mr conille 's investigations , and once interrupted a meeting between the prime minister and members of parliament to accuse them of conspiring against him .
Mr brands gives perhaps too much weight to a late night conversation recorded by his son elliott , in which fdr claimed that churchill and de gaulle were conspiring to preserve the british and french empires .
The verdict disappointed federal prosecutors , who had charged mr blagojevich with conspiring to commit an array of horrifying acts-extorting money from a hospital executive , for example , and scheming to sell barack obama 's senate seat .