
v.(使)集合,聚集( congregate的过去式和过去分词 )
congregated 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Students are congregated in the auditorium .
- 学生们在礼堂里集合。
- The husbands fled their homes and congregated in the tavern .
- 丈夫们逃离了自己的家,聚集在小酒馆借酒消愁。
- Study on actual function of living room of nldk pattern in the congregated houses in wuhan .
- 武汉市厅室型集合住家庭起居室实际使用功能调查与研究。
- By the time we congregated in the high school gymnasium my father had congratulated himself through nearly a case of beer .
- 当我们在学校体育馆集中庆祝时,他已经浸在几乎一箱啤酒里自己作乐了。
- The executives who congregated in the taj mahal hotel were chasing this golden songbird .
- 聚集在泰姬陵大酒店中的高管们正在追逐着这只金丝雀。
- After prayers , the taliban fighters congregated in the yard to enjoy the early evening breeze .
- 祈祷结束后,塔利班战士们聚集在院子里,享受黄昏的微风。
- People quickly congregated round the speaker .
- 人们迅速围拢在演说者的周围。
- People congregated on balconies to catch a glimpse of thepassing celebrity .
- 人们群聚在阳台上,要看看路过的名人。
- Pupils congregated round the teacher .
- 小学生们聚集在老师的周围。
- Many children congregated around their teacher .
- 许多儿童聚集在老师的周围。