It was to describe just such a multicultural and commercial conglomeration that j.s. furnivall , a british colonial servant in burma , coined the term " plural society " 60 years ago .
Analysis on the spatial conglomeration of manufacturing industry in metropolitan area of east china .
" The merger of these companies is not a conglomeration of the weaker into the stronger , but a willing marriage of the two giants in the it industry and a fine model of pursuing a win-win strategy "
Demonstration analysis on the economic area of city cluster in the middle ...... urban flows research in urban conglomeration of shandong peninsula
A galaxy cluster is a cosmic behemoth-a conglomeration of hundreds to thousands of galaxies bound together by gravity .
But from a conglomeration of sources that includes my friends and cultural bloggers I will attempt to give you some kind of definition of what sajiao is .
Big economies of scale are available by taking extra revenues and putting them through the same computer platform a trick that has underpinned the growth of euronext , a pan-european conglomeration of stock exchanges .