
n.冲突( conflict的名词复数 );战斗;相互干扰;矛盾
conflicts 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Europe 's conflicts were not civil wars .
- 而欧洲的矛盾也没有引发内战。
- Internal political conflicts are increasing .
- 内部政治冲突越来越多。
- The political conflicts are obvious .
- 明显存在政治上的冲突。
- Resources can also fuel international conflicts .
- 资源也能引发国际冲突。
- Many industries have internal conflicts .
- 很多行业存在着内部矛盾。
- Both conflicts were almost inevitable .
- 两种矛盾几乎是不可避免的。
- Medium-sized companies have their own conflicts .
- 中型企业有他们自己的矛盾。
- Neither addresses the underlying conflicts .
- 二者都未能解决那些深层次的矛盾。
- Appalling conflicts of interest were accepted .
- 骇人听闻的利益冲突变得习以为常。
- America is engaged in two foreign conflicts .
- 美国人热衷于两个外国的冲突。