

n.没收,充公,征用( confiscation的名词复数 )

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Despite the formation of a power-sharing government in zimbabwe in which the prime minister , morgan tsvangirai , has promised to reimpose the rule of law , president robert mugabe 's party accelerated the wave of confiscations of the few hundred remaining white-owned farms .
In the number of confiscations of firms and properties in 2010 and 2011 , lombardy lags behind only the southern regions , which are far better known for the mafia .
Maximus , wishing to curry favour with the orthodox party and to replenish his treasury through confiscations , gave orders for a synod , which was held in bordeaux in 384 .
On the streets , protest movements against chemical factories , land confiscations or local corruption are tolerated and even rewarded by official concessions .
" Land day " commemorates the killing of six arab citizens of israel by the israeli army and police on march 30 , 1976 , during protests over israeli confiscations of arab land .
Gun confiscations and how to secure some weapons .
A wave of expropriations and confiscations has left millions of hectares of farmland and a swathe of the food industry in government hands .
There was a record number of confiscations by customs officers last year .