

concretely 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Would you please explain it concretely ?
- 请您具体一点说明好吗?
- A solution must be described very concretely and must not impose new problems .
- 一个解决方案必须被具体明确的描述并且不能产生新的问题。
- We 'll discuss the matter more concretely next time . I hope everyone would make some preparations .
- 下次我们要更仔细地讨论这件事,希望大家先做一下准备。
- Concretely , we must direct our effort to the task that president kennedy called for long ago .
- 我们必须实质性地朝很久以前肯尼迪总统所号召的努力。
- A slow and careful thinker , you like to present ideas visually and concretely .
- 一个缓慢而细致的思想家,你喜欢现在的想法视觉和具体。
- But what can such contact provide concretely ?
- 但是,这样的接触究竟可以带来什么具体的东西呢?
- This paper mostly studies the spiral configuration of the country standard twist drill concretely .
- 本文主要对国家标准麻花钻螺旋的结构作具体分析和研究。
- This type of filial travel most concretely and fashionably represents concerns to the life quality of the old .
- 这种孝心旅游方式是关心老人生活质量的一种最具体最时尚的表现。
- Concretely , this means that strengthening the police force will not be enough to maintain social order .
- 具体来说,这意味着仅靠加强警察队伍的建设来维持社会秩序是不够的。
- Can consult self teacher , the schoolmate to higher class about concretely .
- 具体可以向自己的老师、向高年级的同学咨询。