

clouding 的用法和双语例句“点击”或“选中”例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释
- Extraction and application of natural clouding agents from citrus peel .
- 由柑桔类果皮萃取天然混浊剂及其应用之研究。
- The unnecessary details are only clouding the issue .
- 不必要的细节只能把事情复杂化。
- When those tears are clouding up your eyes .
- 当眼泪阴云般笼罩你眼朦时。
- Darkness clouding my steps as I dance .
- 黑暗笼罩着我的脚步,因为我的舞蹈。
- Then the sky was clouding up again and again .
- 然后天空又再涌起密云。
- My hunger for magic is clouding my judgement !
- 我对魔法的渴望已经淡化了我的判断力。
- Even now , the process is proving cumbersome , with disputes over the fixed price companies would receive clouding the bidding .
- 即使现在,这个过程还是很麻烦,各公司愿意接受的固定价格的争议给这次竞标投下了阴影。
- You have a lot of personal problems which are getting the better of you , creating unfair prejudices , clouding your judgment .
- 你有许多个人的麻烦,这些麻烦压倒了你,造成不公正的偏见,妨碍了你的判断力。
- If we could only find out how andariel has managed to corrupt our sisters , then , perhaps , we could drive out the evil clouding their minds .
- 如果我们能找出安达利尔是如何的引诱我们的修女,那,或许我们能够把她们脑中的邪气清掉。
- They became silent , their faces clouding over , their features becoming soft and negative , their eyes bland and deceptive .
- 他们不响了,脸色阴沉了下来,表情显然模糊,冷淡,眼神变得呆滞而难以捉摸。